Sunday, July 22, 2007

Life @work.

Right now, am not feeling like going ahead writing, still have decided to do so. most often that happens with me, never mind.

okie, okie!.. Who said, work life sucks! Who said, work life is a slave life! who said mentors at office are tormentors!! And who said, manager are your bosses!! And I also had many not-so-positive comments about the work life, from seniors and super seniors. However glad that, they are not working in the way, i learnt.

My lead is an awesome guy, who is definitely very sensible and always approachable, and who "strongly" suggests not to come on weekends to office. I barely see him as my lead. He sounds more of a companion to me rather than a superior. And always owns a joke when the things do not really go in our way. And my boss, who is often called Mr. Brains, though his actual spelling varies a little, by the other intelligent crew. Hezz is gem of a guy. Though haven't got a chance to meet him yet. And have never heard any boss-like stuff from him till to moment. That only shows his maturity and temperament apart from his technical knowledge. And it all only motivates to learn faster and work better. And the only bad thing occurred of late is that, one of the most valuable candidates of the team, and the only [senior] person in my module has decided to switch to another team leaving the lone candidate in the team. And therefore increasing the responsibility and possibly work-load exponentially. Which of course, also gave me a chance to be an interviewer with in 5 months of my joining under fresher recognition.

Apart from this stuff, there have been a few funny things happening in the casual workdays.
Lately a guy has been seated in the cubical besides mine. [hope he is not reading this !]. And he has this 'habit' that when ever he stands up he peeps into my monitor. And i was least bothered about it, in spite of my frequent visits to orkut and youtube. And one day he was staring constantly. So I looked at him in a way posing "So, what now ?". He smiled, and passed his hand, saying "Hi, am ******". I understood then that he was waiting for an intro, all these days. [I thought, 'come on man, you must have told that on the first day. Am not sitting hear reading minds of ppl!'] But i also learnt that he was a newly joined Product Manager !! And from that day, he looks at me waiting for a 'Hi', but some how, i like going pretending unnoticed.

And another incident included, where I got an internal e-mail with several senior managers in CC asking for an "urgent" help on an issue about some data loading, as they felt I was expert at dealing with such issues. And god knows, why they thought so. As I did not understand a single line from that mail, except that they were addressing me and the issue was Yama urgent one. And for a few minutes, I didn't know how to react on that. And soon my lead clarified that, it was a mistake, after which they started addressing the issue to my lead. And then my manager had to interfere and convince them, we are not the right ppl.

And then on one day, got a call. There was no his or hellos, just started off explaining the bug hizz got, with whole new technical jargon[hope his team's]. And said finally "I hope thats ok with you, call me if any problems", and was about to hang up the phone. I was like Daa!! Dood, what is with you! And i said "Hello, i am sorry, i am not sure if you are addressing the right person !!, as honestly, I did not understood a word of what you said just now!!". He asked puzzled, "Isnt this Abhishek". No dood, this is Aamir!, wanted to say, by when he apologized and cut the line.

And others included such as, when we assign a P1 bug on friday noon to some internal team, which is obviously the least desired, should watch their struggle to convince the bug raisers that its "Not a bug" actually[else, it might end up pulling you to office on the weekend]. That is a real fun scene, if you are not on the receiving end. And my dear new joinee, also entertains almost 2-3 cubicals around, by talking on phone so loudly and funnyly[definitely not to the guy on the receiving end], bashing away the airtel connection providing personnel.

However the work gets hectic soon I realize. the work load must have increased exponentially by now, however my lead is screening me time to time from them. I earnestly like to thank him, however he doesn't take it seriously and pushes on things. I am pretty confident that, he doesn't have time to read all this leaving me freely write my thoughts out. And would like to thank the anonymous reader who left a warning comment with the analysis of otherwise-unnoticed figures, which definitely fetched the needed time.


Anonymous said...

Dude...say hi to the neighbor, poor thing.

I think you are becoming one of those *I love my job. Cant get enough of it* kinda guys. Good going!

btw, u r welcome :)

Dutt A said...
